Posts tagged SHP
Learning at the Foot of the Master: Tim Ferriss

It’s hard to believe it was already one month ago that my colleagues from SHP Leading Design and I attended SXSWedu, a four-day extravaganza of thought leadership, best practices, new trends, top tools and insightful discussion on the state of education in America today. I am still excited by the wonderful conversations I had… not to mention the adrenaline rush of launching the 9 Billion Schools movement on the SXSWedu Show & Tell stage!

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The Mobile Health & Wellness Learning Center

Better health is headed your way. With likes of WebMD and similar sources, accessing health info these days is rather easy. In some cases, especially for those unable to properly discern symptoms and risks, it may be too easy. In any event, no matter how convenient and helpful online resources may be, there’s something about health matters that seem to cry out for at least some in-person learning from physicians, nurses and other experts.

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