Make the Most of Lunch and Learns

There are many ways to pursue more learning opportunities in the workplace, and the lunch and learn session is among the most common. The workplace lunch and learn is a sometimes tired and often overused way to dial into workplace learning, but it doesn’t have to be. If employees are bemoaning the upcoming lunch and learn session that is a huge red flag that something isn’t quite right.

Novel concepts, like beekeeping, can contribute to workplace learning by inspiring creativity.

Novel concepts, like beekeeping, can contribute to workplace learning by inspiring creativity.

In the article 5 Tips For Lunch and Learns that Truly Promote Workplace Learning, SHP offers sound advice for dusting off a stale lunch and learn curriculum and making it a staple of a vibrant, engaging workplace learning program. Done right, the lunch and learn has all the ingredients for a workplace learning opportunity that helps integrate L3 learning into everyday life at the office and allows employees to approach learning in a way that helps them flourish.

The trick? Keep it interesting and make sure to add value. When you’re asking an employee to give up a lunch break, it’s important that you give them something in return. Otherwise, the lunch and learn session could be doing more harm than good by eliminating the positive benefits of a lunch break to overall productivity.