Posts tagged education
Guest Blog: The Role of Imagination in Learning

Many would agree that the underlying purpose of a school and all of its activities is to develop children as learners who are interested in the process of learning. But many people don’t realize that imagination plays an integral role in both the enjoyment and richness of education, and should be incorporated more often.

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Guest Blog: Let Us Flourish!

Picture this: An economics teacher stands before his class at the chalkboard, reviewing economic terms, bills and tariff acts with his high school students. It is conducted with monotonous expression, out loud, for the entirety of the class. He looks around the room, from student to student, who take excruciating pains to avoid eye contact, steadily looking anywhere in the room except for at their professor.

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9 Billion Schools: One School’s Journey

When considering the concept behind the 9 Billion Schools movement – to deliver personalized learning for all, as a matter of both human dignity and one’s ability to flourish – it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the immensity of the challenge. How can we truly accomplish such a feat? What shifts must occur in our economic, political, geographic, business, technological and demographic landscapes? How can we harness the tools available to us right now to start paving the way for 9 billion (figurative) schools by 2050? The possibilities seem immense, and endless.

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The Future of Education Strikes a Chord

We’ve received a lot of feedback on our 9 Billion Schools book in the month or so since we released a preview copy at SXSWedu. Most comments are along the lines of, “Couldn’t agree more that this is the future of education.” and "Keep up the good work." This is really encouraging, of course. And I’m glad we’ve struck a chord with our initial readers.

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